ACI PAC Prior Authorization

Yes, I authorize the ACI PAC to solicit executive and management personnel of my company for voluntary political contributions.

(This form can only be signed by a company employee authorized to provide solicitation approval.)

Federal law requires member companies of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) to sign a prior authorization form in order for executive or management personnel of the member company to be solicited by the ACI PAC. The law dictates that member companies may grant permission to solicit its employees for political contributions to only one trade association's federal PAC in any calendar year.

Signing this form does not obligate you or anyone else in your company to make a contribution nor does it preclude you from contributing to local, state, ideological or national member PACs.

The ACI PAC requires that you check the box next to each year in which authorization is given.

Your company has the right to limit who is solicited among its executive and management personnel. Please list the names of those who may be solicited or leave blank if there are no restrictions.

If your company is a partnership or LLC that does not elect corporate treatment for tax purposes, or a sole proprietorship, contact Douglas Troutman at (202) 662-2508 or